Regenerative Agriculture Resources
Principles of Soil Health: Soil Health Academy● Rodale Institute — Here’s a quick overview of the seven principles of regenerative agriculture from the Rodale Institute.
● National Resources Defense Council — Want a more detailed outline of the five principles of regenerative agriculture? Check out this website from the National Resources Defense Council.
● California State University Chico Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilience Systems — If you are interested in more scientific studies and research, take a look at Chico State’s Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems.
● Video: What is Regenerative Agriculture? — This video by Jimi Eisenstein offers a quick overview of Regenerative Agriculture and its benefits
● Cornell University — This resource has a clear overview of regenerative agriculture.
● Kiss the Ground — This source offers an overview of the definition of regenerative agriculture, and many other resources as well.
Johnson-Su Bioreactor● New Mexico State University — The website has several links within it that lead to other useful website and videos about the Johnson-Su Bioreactor as well as other links relating to techniques that support soil regeneration and health
→ Link from website: California State University: How to Build Your Own Bioreactor — If you’re interested in building your own Johnson-Su Bioreactor, here is a website with all the needed materials as well as additional links and videos explaining the process of building one.
● California State University, Chico — This website provides you with basic information among several links relating to research about the Johnson-Su Bioreactor as well as several tutorials for both the Johnson-Su Bioreactor and another agricultural method called BEAM (Biologically Enhanced Agricultural Management).
● Rodale Institute — If you are interested in an explanation of vermicompost, as well as images of how to create it, the Rodale Institute has a great webpage on it.
Compost Tea
● DIY: The Old Farmers Almanac — The Old Farmer’s Almanac has an excellent guide to creating compost tea, complete with a recipe!
● Applications: Living Soil Organics — Interested in a short explanation of the benefits of compost tea? Take a look at this webpage.
Apiary● Pollinator Protection: California Department of Food and Agriculture — Looking for more information on pollinators? The California Department of Food and Agriculture has many more resources available on pollinators, their health, and apiaries.
Pollinator Gardens
● Gardening for Pollinators - USDA — If you are looking for the do’s and don’ts of pollinator gardens, this website has more information
Benefits/Uses● Growing with Nature — Here’s a well-organized summary of the benefits of hedgerows.
● Soil Association — If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of hedgerows in the UK, check out this source.
Has links to other sources about related or the same subject :
→ Reservoirs of life’: how hedgerows can help the UK reach net zero in 2050
● Chico State — If you are looking to see who else has used these methods, take a look at the following mentor farmers from Chico State.
→ Paul Muller, Full Belly Farm
● Videos — Want a video overview of hedgerows? Take a look at the following videos from Chico State.
→ Pollinator Hedgerows: There's a Plan for That
→ USDA Works To Increase Pollinator Population
● These websites have more information on the benefits and uses of hedgerows:
→ Establishing Hedgerows on Farms in California
→ Hedgerows Farmscaping for California Agriculture Guide
→ Seedling Identification Guide for Pollinator Hedgerow Forbs of California’s Central Valley
→ Natural Areas and Rangelands: Assessment Guide
→ California 422A Hedgerow Planting, Pollinators
→ Establishment of Wildflower Habitat for Pollinators, Beneficial Insects, and Wildlife
● Financial/other assistance — If you are looking into the affordability of hedgerows, the following websites contain useful and important information.
→ Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
→ Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
→ Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
→ Healthy Soils Program Incentives Program
● Scientific studies — If you are looking for scientific research on hedgerows, look into the following studies
→ Hedgerow benefits align with food production and sustainability goals
→ Hedgerow restoration promotes pollinator populations and exports native bees to adjacent fields
→ The benefits of hedgerows and trees for agriculture
● Aberystwyth University — Interested in a scientific study on hedgerows and their benefits? Here’s a study done by Dr. William Stiles of Aberystwyth University.
Types● Better Homes and Gardens Mulch Must-Knows — Looking for more detailed information? Take a look at this webpage from Better Homes and Gardens.
● The Home Depot — The Home Depot has a site that explains the benefits and uses of mulch with useful photos as well.
● Videos
→ Agroforestry in the UK — Interested in learning more about agroforestry? This video from the Soil Ass Association has many resources.
→ What is agroecology? — Interested in agroecology in particular? This page from the Soil association covers what agroecology is, and more.
● Agroforestry – what are the benefits?
If you are interested, the Soil association has an agroforestry page that has detailed information.
● Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN — If you are looking for a brief explanation of agroforestry and its benefits, then the UN’s FAO has an excellent website on just that.
Zuni Bowl
● Defines Riparian Plantings
● Info/Tools — Looking for more detailed information on finances, applications of riparian plantings, and more? Here are a variety of resources from the Chico State Center for Regenerative Agriculture:
→ What is a riparian forest buffer?
→ Working Trees Infosheet: Why add edible and floral plants to riparian forest buffers?
→ Creekside Plantings and Restoration in California Rangelands
→ Conservation Buffers: Design Guidelines for Buffers, Corridors, and Greenways
→ Buffer$: A Conservation Buffer Economic Analysis Tool
● Video
If you are searching for a video on riparian restoration, take a look at the following links!
→ Riparian buffers help ranchers weather drought
● Scientific literature
Interested in scientific studies on the impact of riparian restoration techniques? The following studies look at climate change, economic evaluations, and the effectivity of riparian restoration.
→ Economic Evaluation of Riparian Buffers in an Agricultural Watershed
→ Current Insights into the Effectiveness of Riparian Management, Attainment of Multiple Benefits, and Potential Technical Enhancements
→ Riparian Buffer Strips as a Multifunctional Management Tool in Agricultural Landscapes: Introduction
● Milkwood — If you wish to have a clearer picture of how a Zuni bowl works and what it is, this website has an excellent explanation and a clear diagram!
● Video: Erosion Control — This video is a good example of how to set up a zuni bowl!
One Rock Dams
● Podcast: Regenerative Skills — If you’re interested in learning more about one rock dams on the go, this podcast from Regenerative Skills is perfect.
● The following videos offer useful examples of erosion control methods:
→ Erosion Control One Rock Dam
→ How To Construct a One Rock Dam/Check Dam
● Quivira Coalition — If you are interested in detailed guides on erosion control, check out this link!
Growing plants from cuttings
● University of Maine — Are you in need of a detailed website regarding numerous aspects of propagation, have a look at this link for more information.
● Missouri Botanical Gardens — If you’re interested in propagating your own plants using cuttings, this website has some great pictures and instructions for you to easily follow along with little confusion.
Willow tea for rooting out
● Permaculture Research Institute — If you’re looking for a way to propagate plants and are interested in creating a rooting hormone, check out this website for a way to make some willow water/tea and help your roots grow.
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