Savory Hub serving Central & Southern California
White Buffalo Land Trust is an accredited hub through the Savory Institute global network serving Central and Southern California.
As an education and demonstration hub, we offer Savory accredited workshops and trainings in Holistic Management throughout the year at the Center for Regenerative Agriculture at Jalama Canyon Ranch. Additionally, we provide Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) for farmers and ranchers and train monitors to support the Savory Land to Market program.
Annually each winter, we offer a 10-Day Holistic Management Intensive designed for land stewards, land owners, entrepreneurs and others to learn the whole of Holistic Management in one session.
This unique framework builds understanding of the whole you are working within and guides you in developing a context appropriate pathway to management for ecological, economic, and community health.
The curriculum is a mixture of group and individual work time, as well as outdoor, hands-on experience. Areas of focus include the foundations of holistic management, land and financial planning, and ecological monitoring. This is a Savory accredited course and meets the training requirements for becoming a Savory Institute Accredited Professional.
Holistic Management Intensive
This Training Cover the Following Material:
The Foundations of Holistic Management — 2 Days.
The fundamentals of holistic management.
The ecosystem processes and the tools to manage them.
Holistic decision-making.
Holistic Financial Planning — 3 Days.
The fundamentals of holistic financial planning.
Creating your holistic financial plan.
Holistic Planned Grazing — 2 Days.
The fundamentals of holistic planned grazing.
Creating, implementing, and monitoring your grazing plan.
Holistic Land Planning — 1 Day.
The fundamentals of holistic land planning.
Creating your holistic land plan.
Holistic Ecological Monitoring — 1 Day.
The fundamentals of holistic ecological monitoring.
Monitoring your land.
Attendees not only learn to develop their own land management, grazing, and financial plans, but they also gain hands-on land monitoring experience using the Ecological Outcome Verification™ (EOV™) protocol.
What is Ecological Outcome Verification™ (EOV™)?
EOV is the “science inside” Savory Institute’s Land to Market program. Land to Market™ (L2M) is a unique sourcing solution that connects conscientious buyers, brands and retailers directly to farms and ranches that are verified to be regenerating their land. EOV is the protocol used to verify farms and ranches so that they are eligible for the L2M program.
Ecological Outcome Verification Training
Annually each Spring, we host a 5-day training on monitoring ecological outcomes as part of the EOV platform through the Savory Institute.
This course is part of the accreditation requirements for becoming an EOV Monitor. Accredited monitors are in high demand across the United States.
After the 5-day training, and in order to become an accredited EOV monitor, students will assist in the installation of two additional baseline monitoring events, enter the data and photos into the EOV platform, and create reports for the land stewards. There are many opportunities to install baseline EOV with the instructor in various places across California, Oregon, and Washington.
This course is facilitated in conjunction with Jackie Eishelman of UVE Hub in Northern California.

“Holistic Management restores grasslands. Healthy grasslands lead to carbon sequestration, drought resilience, food security, and financially viable communities. At Savory, we believe the solution to these pressing world issues is that management of our land, livestock, and people must be holistic.”
— Allan Savory
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